A motherboard functions sort of like a brain, with different parts performing different tasks. Nerds on Call has plenty of Nerds that have experience repairing the tiny parts of your motherboard. If we can not fix your motherboard, we can recommend the right replacement to fit your needs and your budget.

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A motherboard, also known as a mainboard or system board, is the primary circuit board in a computer system. It provides a platform for connecting and interconnecting various hardware components, such as the CPU, memory modules, storage devices, expansion cards, and input/output devices, allowing them to communicate and work together.

Short Circuit

A short circuit refers to an electrical malfunction that occurs when a current bypasses its intended path in a circuit and takes an unintended, low-resistance path instead. It typically occurs when two conductive materials or points in a circuit come into direct contact, causing a surge of electrical current. This can result in a sudden increase in current flow, generating excessive heat and potentially damaging the circuit components.