Don't Know What PC To Buy?

PC Gamers! Listen Up.

Want to build yourself a custom gaming PC from scratch? Looking to update your current computer with newer components to get more life out of your current setup?

Consider Hiring a Nerd for Your Next Custom PC Build

  • Quality components you choose yourself
  • Participate in the PC gaming computer building process step-by-step
  • Local experience, with competitive pricing, from a well-established business
Custom gaming computer on table
Photo by Resul Kaya on Unsplash

Searching for Custom Gaming Computers Near Me

Looking to support a local business with your custom gaming build, googling “custom gaming computers near me” yields … less than local results. You’ll most likely find a bunch of online companies that build cookie-cutter PCs with off-the-shelf parts that they buy in bulk. Nerds on Call Computer Repair is not one of those faceless IT businesses that don’t even know your name. We won’t build your custom gaming computer in some remote country and ship it to you, crossing our fingers that it all works properly. Our objective at Nerds on Call is to make the process of building a custom gaming PC as easy as possible for you while providing you with local, reliable service. Contact us today at 1-800-919-6373, fill out our <contact form>, or Open Live Chat with a technician directly from this page.

Why Choose Nerds on Call to Build Your Custom Gaming Computer?

We think we’re the best choice for building your custom gaming PC. We have over 20 years of experience in the field building custom computers, and helping clients with the customization of their desktop gaming PCs.

  1. Even if you have some experience building a custom gaming computer, you know how much a hassle it can be sometimes, when the components don’t “talk” properly to each other. We have the necessary expertise, skills, and tools to get the job done.
  2. We can save you precious time! You know that building a custom gaming PC is a lot of work, and can be time consuming. Let us do the work for you.
  3. Relatively savvy computer customers know that they may still need help in technical areas of building a computer. Hiring a professional will ensure that your custom PC build is done correctly and avoids any possible damage to delicate (and expensive!) internal components.
  4. Working with the internal electrical components of a computer can pose safety risks. Reduce the risk of injury by hiring a professional to handle the task for you.
  5. Whether you’re building a custom gaming PC from scratch, or swapping out upgraded components to extend the life of your current gaming PC, we are best equipped to handle all of these scenarios. Working with a local professional will give you a more personalized experience than sending your computer out to a remote repair company.
  6. Configuring a PC gaming rig includes more than just the tower itself. You want your computer chair, your gaming headset and/or speakers, your monitor and your mouse configuration individually tailored for optimum gaming performance! No box store is going to be able to help you with that kind of setup.

As we mentioned above, just searching for “custom gaming computers near me” is not going to find what you’re looking for when you want a personalized service in building the perfect gaming PC for you. You definitely want to find a local professional that can get the job done the way you want it.

When it comes to building a custom gaming computer near you or finding a local PC builder, there are 3 reasons we recommend finding a local professional to help you with the task.

  1. Custom gaming PC builds happen faster with local professionals handling that “custom gaming computer near me.”

Shipping your gaming computer away to get it upgraded to the specs you want, or ordering a whole gaming rig online and waiting for it to get shipped to you from some foreign country can take time. Spending a bunch of money on fastest shipping can still leave you waiting weeks for your custom gaming PC. 

Time you could be spending gaming.

Further risks? What if your precious beautiful new gaming computer is damaged in transit? Then you have to wait even longer to utilize its speedy gaming-goodness. Working with Nerds on Call, we’ll keep your gaming PC build local. You’ll be able to use it faster, and not have to worry about it getting injured on its way to you.

  1. “Keeping it local” means you’ll get personalized gaming rig setup in your home.

As a gamer, you know that your custom gaming setup is critical to maximize your gaming performance. We Nerds here are gamers ourselves, and we pride ourselves in getting it right when it comes to ergonomics, optimizing your gaming chair, speakers, gaming headset, monitor, tower, and mouse all to your ideal gaming setup. Personalized service, right in your home. Ordering a custom gaming PC from an online retailer definitely cannot give you that. So let us help you set up your custom gaming computer today, and experience the difference with our local service!

  1. Humans, helping other humans with local gaming PC repair.

We started out 20 years ago building computers, but we also know a whole heap about repairing them, too. In fact, we know first-hand how great it is to have on-hand local technical support whenever you need it. Developing a relationship with your Nerd will provide you with personalized, professional support in keeping your custom gaming computer running smoothly so you can rest assured that if anything goes wrong in the future, we’ll be here to help.

Looking for a Reliable Local Builder of Custom Gaming Computers? Look No Further Than the Nerds.

We can’t wait to show you all the cool design options we have for your new custom gaming computer. It’ll be the talk of your gaming community. Let us help you create the gaming computer of your dreams!

We’ve got resources.

Established in 2004, Nerds On Call has been around a long time. We began with the idea of spreading nerdy goodness to our local communities, and we pride ourselves on continuing that tradition. Nerds on Call is a veritable Nerdtopia of talented women and men technicians dedicated to keeping your gaming PC running smoothly. As gamers ourselves, we are your local resource for gaming computers FOR gamers. We know what games you’re playing, and we know the perfect computer components to optimize your performance.

We never outsource talent.

After all our talk about local computer repair services, you’d better believe that we never outsource. All our Nerds are passionate about providing top-quality, friendly service. It’s such a shame that searching for “custom gaming computers near me” does not really provide you with a list of local providers. Here at Nerds On Call, we’re local all the way. All our computer building and repairing happens in-house with hand-picked brainiacs.

Competitive pricing, reasonable rates, and value for your money.

We want you to find value in the services we’re going to provide to build your custom gaming PC. Picked out all the parts you want to install, and just want us to put them together for you? No problem. Want us to sit with you step-by-step to help you design the perfect gaming PC for you? We’d love to help. Whatever you need in your quest to build the perfect gaming computer, we’ve got you covered. The best part about choosing Nerds On Call is that we promise to build with 100% brand name, and quality components. No cheaped-out parts like those box stores. We will guarantee component compatibility and maximum performance. Additionally, we’ll do all the burn-in stress testing, and driver install and optimization. When your custom gaming PC is completely built, we hand it back to you ready for the ultimate gaming experience.

A person playing on their custom gaming computer.
Photo by Axville on Unsplash

Ready To Meet Your Friendly, Neighborhood Nerd?

We’re ready to meet you, and help you build the best custom gaming PC out there. Let’s do this!

For your “custom gaming computer near you,” look no further than Nerds On Call. You can contact us at 1-800-919-6373, fill out our contact form, or Open a Live Chat to get started.

If you can dream it, we can help you design it.

Powerful Gaming, At Your Fingertips

As a gamer, you know how important every component is to your gaming PC’s performance. You want to find a local PC gaming expert who will spend quality time getting to know your unique gaming style, and build you a computer based on your needs. We pay excruciating attention to detail for every component that makes up your build, including the CPU, GPU, RAM, storage, motherboard, and power supply. None of those cookie-cutter computer building places are going to take the time with you to obtain the level of customization you need if you’re a serious PC gamer.

All the Custom Features

Power is just part of the package. Your ideal gaming computer is going to match your style of gameplay with the correct features for the type of games that you’re going to spend hours playing.

  • From monitor to mouse, let us help you figure out the right configuration for you, matching your height and width preferences.
  • Ergonomics in your chair are so important in those intense online battles. You don’t have time to get a crick in your back when you’re gaming to win! We’re sure you have ideas of how you love to play. Let us help you maximize your performance in your gaming rig.
  • Interested in VR? Maybe not now, but some time in the future? We can make sure you’re as compatible as you need to be when the time comes to expand your gaming horizons.
  • We’ll help you construct your gaming session that includes all the features you want, and none of the ones you don’t.
Inside look of PC custom gaming computer.
Photo by Tai Bui on Unsplash

Custom Gaming Computers Near Me … Where?

That’s a great question! We Nerds are located in several major cities in California for your custom gaming setup needs. Yes, we offer remote access for most software-related issues, but when you’re building a custom gaming computer, you will want to have a local shop near you that you can visit.


“Custom Gaming Computers Near Me” when you live in greater Sacramento… well, it still results in a list of all those big box stores we’ve already mentioned. And you know by now why you want to find a local Nerd! 

Well, never fear. Your friendly Sacramento Nerds welcomes all gamers from all across this great metro area. So whether you live in Woodland, El Dorado Hills, Rocklin or Davis, anywhere from Elk Grove to Placerville, we’ve got your PC gaming needs covered!

We specialize in building quality gaming computers, and we also have your back when it comes to regular maintenance of your custom PC as well. Nerds on Call has been working with satisfied customers from all walks of technology life for nearly 20 years. We will help you build your gaming PC to your specifications and keep it running in tip-top shape for years to come.


All over Shasta County, you’ll find that “custom gaming computers near me” means one thing: Redding Nerds On Call. We are proud, local residents of Shasta County ourselves, and we’ve been operating in the Redding area for over 20 years.

We Redding Nerds are PC gamers that love to build gaming computers. We can’t wait to see what imaginative designs you can come up with, from custom fans to lights that gleam from all interiors of your gaming PC tower. If your gaming PC is giving you grief, we can help you with that, too. We’re pros at gaming computer repair and maintenance. We have the knowledge and experience to manage the specific thermal and physical stresses that a custom gaming PC faces. Let us help you maintain your investment for years to come.


If you’re looking to build a custom gaming computer in Chico, look no further than the Chico Nerds on Call. We have proudly built a reputation for friendly, reliable service all over Butte County from Paradise to Oroville and everywhere in between.

What makes us unique in the Chico area is our genuine compassion for constructing extraordinary gaming computers, borne out of our own experiences as avid gamers. We have a deep understanding of what you want in a gaming rig, and as fellow gamers, our mission is to help you discover the perfect setup that aligns with your gaming preferences.


Nerds on Call in Fresno is a team of dedicated Nerds, who are enthusiastic about PC gaming and dedicated to helping you create your perfect PC gaming setup. We know what you need because we’re gamers too, and we’re excited to assist you in catering to your unique playing style. The beauty of finding the Fresno Nerds on Call when you’re searching for “custom gaming computers near me” is that we love to build exceptional gaming machines. You see, we’ve built some for ourselves, and we look forward to building a tricked-out gaming PC just for you.

Just so you know, we’ve been doing this sort of thing for at least 10 years in the Fresno area. We’re centrally placed to offer technical support throughout greater Fresno county including Madera, Clovis, and Kingsburg.

A man is playing his newly custom gaming computer.
Photo by Uzair Ahmed on Unsplash

Count on the Custom Gaming Specialists: Nerds on Call

At the end of the day, we just want to help you create the most out of your custom gaming computer. We’re looking forward to helping you with the biggest and the smallest of the projects. Find your local Nerds on Call today, assisting with all custom gaming computers near you.

Contact us soon! You can call 1-800-919-6373, or Send us a Message, or contact us by email. We’ve got friendly neighborhood Nerds standing by waiting to start you on your custom gaming PC building journey.
Nerds on Call is a computer repair service located across Northern California. Our technicians work hard to make your computer building and repair experiences as pleasant as possible.

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