Your payment was successful - Thank you!

Please note these important shipping instructions:

Before packing your device, please make sure to remove all accessories such as USB drives & mouse dongles

Please DO include your power cable and, if you’re mailing a gaming console, include one controller

Make sure to pack your device in the prepaid box you receive from us or a box purchased from the carrier of your choice. Ensure your device fits snugly/securely and is well cushioned inside the box

If you believe you may have purchased a product in error, please reach out to our support department as soon as possible at 1-800-919-6373.

Note: The diagnostic fee is non-refundable but can be applied towards final cost of repair.

Your order details have been emailed to you.

Our Hours of Operation Are:

Monday–Friday: 8am-8pm

Saturday: 8am–7pm

Sunday: 9am–6pm