Hi, I’m Andrea the owner and founder of Nerds On Call Computer Repair. We want to hear your complaints. We’ll make them disappear into wholehearted satisfaction.
Nerds On Call Computer Repair tries to make every one of our customers happy. You can see a number of letters from our customers and more Nerds On Call Computer Repair Reviews here. But after being around for more than a decade, everyone picks up a few complaints. And no matter what we might think about the validity of the complaint, we do everything in our power to make you, the dissatisfied customer, happy. Sometimes we receive complaints about bad customer service or bad work, and we always call those customers back immediately to fix the problem.
And sometimes we find things online saying “Don’t use Nerds On Call Computer Repair.” We address all of those complaints as well – after all, a customer must be pretty upset if they’re posting something online about it. We don’t want bad Nerds On Call Computer Repair reviews to go that far. We’re all just trying to fix the same problem. Most of the time we settle complaints about Nerds On Call with our dissatisfied customers over the phone and they leave happy.
But calling a company you’re unhappy with can be intimidating and awkward: after all, you’re just talking to a customer service rep who didn’t have anything to do with what your complaints involve. So instead of waiting for you to call or to address your complaints about Nerds On Call on some complaints forum, we want you to tell us your complaints. If you have a complaint about Nerds On Call Computer Repair, use the Contact Us page by clicking here. I’ll personally look over every complaint we receive and we’ll get in contact with you. I believe every customer can be a happy one!
All the best,

About The Author: Andrea Eldridge is CEO and co-founder of Nerds On Call, a computer repair company that specializes in on-site and online service for homes and businesses. Andrea is the writer of a weekly column, Nerd Chick Adventures in The Record Searchlight. She prepares TV segments for and appears regularly on CBS, CW and FOX on shows such as Good Day Sacramento, More Good Day Portland, and CBS 13 News, offering viewers technology and lifestyle tips. See Andrea in action at callnerds.com/andrea/.
About Nerds On Call: Established in a spare room in Redding, Calif., in March 2004, Nerds On Call offers on-site computer and laptop repair services to consumers and businesses. Nerds On Call provides trouble-shooting for PCs and Macs, home and office networks, printers, iPods® and MP3 players, handheld devices and cell phones, home theaters and game systems, and virtually every other form of digital entertainment. In 2009, 2010, & 2011 the company was named to Inc. magazine’s list of 5000 fastest growing private companies. With 7 locations across California and Oregon, Nerds On Call serves more than 40,000 satisfied customers per year. For more information, visit callnerds.com or call 1-800-919-NERD.