You might need a nerd if…

a:4:{s:24:”computer-beeping-startup”;s:58:”Your computer refuses to boot and instead beeps constantly”;s:18:”distorted-graphics”;s:36:”You see graphical glitches on screen”;s:11:”blue-screen”;s:79:”Your computer has encountered the "Blue Screen of Death" multiple times”;s:12:”cant-install”;s:59:”You can't install a program because the installer quits”;}

Perhaps the most cost efficient upgrade for your laptop in terms of performance for your money is a RAM upgrade. RAM allows you to multitask while applications still function smoothly. Sometimes it can be difficult to identify if an entire chipset has failed, or just a small portion. For this reason, Nerds on Call recommend replacing RAM rather than repairing it. RAM chipsets are also fairly cheap, and can make a big difference in your computer’s performance.

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