Video Transcript
Marianne: ..with them, I’m getting the inside scoop this morning because the public cannot go to this thing.
Interviewer: Exactly. Okay, so Ryan Eldridge is in the building. We’re talking fun and future, and you’re starting off with booze.
Ryan: Yes!
Ken: What?
Ryan: Because nothing says CES like knocking back a couple.
Courtney: You got kids…
Marianne: Vegas, baby. Vegas.
Ryan: Well, him and I did that mixing drinks segment here a few weeks ago. So anyway, let’s talk Keurig, right? That’s how I make my coffee in the morning. That’s how millions of Americans do it. Now they can do it with their home brew system.
Courtney: Get out of here.
Ryan: This is a Keurig for making your own brews. You basically buy these little kits. You get your hops and your different whatever they make beer with, wheat, whatever. Anyway, you put it in this little maker here.
Courtney: It’s a little table-top guy.
Ryan: And it makes your beer for you.
Courtney: This is crazy.
Ryan: And it just goes on your counter, and if you want to, you can adjust how much alcohol goes in, or how long you brew it, and so you can get the different tastes you want, if you want a light beer or a dark beer. Is that the coolest?
Courtney: That’s kind of cool.
Marianne: Question for the floor, question for the floor.
Ryan: Let’s say you don’t get out of bed for, you know, for anything less than a cosmo. So if you want to hit your harder alcohol, here is your Keurig for harder stuff. This is pretty cool. This is a Keurig that makes mixed drinks for you. You can make…
Courtney: This is hilarious.
Ken: Oh, yes.
Ryan: …margaritas, sex on the beach, cosmos, all kinds of great stuff.
Courtney: Wait, show them the little K-pods. Look at this.
Ryan: Little booze pods.
Courtney: Vodka, gin…
Marianne: Oh my gosh.
Courtney: Tequila.
Ryan: Isn’t this is cool? You want margarita?
Courtney: It’s a booze pod.
Marianne: Well, their coffee’s not that great. I don’t know if these drinks are going to be okay. Really.
Ryan: This is going to set you back about $300. The one for beer sets you back $599, but if you’re a home brewer, it’s kind of cool stuff. Now this is kind of quirky, but once you kind of get it, it makes a lot of sense. This is $89, for an alarm clock that wakes you up by smell.
Courtney: Say what now?
Ken: I’m sorry, excuse me?
Ryan: Yeah, I know it’s weird, but instead of waking you up with a big loud annoying alarm clock, what it can do is wake you up with the smell of coffee.
Courtney: Look at that.
Ryan: It can wake you up with the smell of a croissant.
Courtney: Oh, I vote for croissant.
Ryan: Chocolate. Or, let’s say you’re taking a nap, a nice seaside smell or lush jungle.
Courtney: Get out of here.
Ryan: Isn’t that cool? About $89 bucks and you don’t have to have that annoying thing.
Courtney: Eh, eh, eh…
Ryan: Yeah. It wakes up 99% of people in under two minutes.
Courtney: Holy cow.
Ryan: And there’s a backup, so that way it’ll set off an alarm if you really want it to. This, of course, was the big news. Oculus Rift finally got released.
Courtney: Okay, Oculus. Okay.
Ryan: It’s $599. Unfortunately, it’s already sold out of pre-release.
Courtney: Get out of here.
Ryan: Yeah, you can’t get it anymore.
Courtney: Holy cow.
Ryan: So find it on eBay somewhere around May. Other than that, this should be out easily by the Christmas season. You’ll see it in homes everywhere, everybody will be using it. And the cool thing is, they’ve already got two games out. One is called EVE: Valkyrie, where you can shoot spaceships and stuff. And this is more like a Mario type game where you can kind of jump around and stuff. But I’m really looking forward to Minecraft, and I know Ken’s son would love that.
Courtney: My daughter loves Minecraft.
Ryan: Yes, Minecraft on this would be unbelievable.
Courtney: That’s going to be the big Christmas thing instead of the scooter, or the glider from this year, last year. It’s going to be this.
Ryan: Exactly, like the hoverboard.
Courtney: Yeah, yeah, hoverboard.
Ryan: Talking about hoverboards, check this out. This is the new Segway.
Courtney: What is this?
Ryan: This is a Segway. It’s kind of a hoverboard too, but you can turn it into a robot.
Ken: Okay.
Courtney: It just got real, people. It just got real.
Ryan: You can buy little arms for it, and it’ll move it around.
Courtney: Just stop it.
Ryan: It’s got a little face.
Marianne: Bring me my Keurig beer!
Ryan: So when you’re riding around on it, it’s just normal, but as soon as you get off it, you can program it to be your butler, answer your door, chase your dog around, all kinds of cool stuff like that. And, again, that’ll be out, probably, by around Christmas time, and expect it… There’s no exact price yet on that, but it will be expensive.
Courtney: So if you have to ask how much it costs, it might not be for you.
Marianne: Bring me my Keurig Bloody Mary!
Ryan: Why don’t you just get one for the studio?
Courtney: Yeah, just ride around, nyeeeee…
Marianne: We’ll call her Rosie.
Ryan: Yeah. They can afford that kind of thing, yeah.
Courtney: Bring me my cosmo, ding, ding. Bring me my stout.
Marianne: She’s got high.
Courtney: That’s good stuff, Ryan.
PicoBrew Pico

The PicoBrew Pico is the Keurig of homebrewing. You can simply load a ready-to-brew ingredient kit, attach a keg of water, and start brewing your own tasty beer at home. There are easy to use options that allow you to adjust bitterness and alcohol content so that you can concoct your ideal brew. The Pico is small enough to fit on your countertop, and it is available now for pre-order at a price of $599. Since starting out on Kickstarter, the Picobrew has become the 2nd most funded kitchen appliance of all time on Kickstarter.
Bartesian Cocktail Machine

The Bartesian Cocktail Machine is a pod-based mixed-drink maker. All you need to do is load up a capsule, select a desired strength, and it preapres one of potentially hundreds of cocktails. The Cocktail Machine comes with four containers that are to be filled with rum, vodka, tequila, and gin. The flavor capsules come in varieties such as Cosmopolitan, Zest Martini, and even Sex on the Beach and contain a mixture of bitters, juices, and other flavors needed to complete the cocktail without any shaking or stirring. The Bartesian Cocktail Machine is priced at $300, but an assorted 12 pack of flavor capsules will set you back an additional $20. It is expected to become readily available for shipping in the Spring.

SensorWake is an olfactory alarm clock that is designed to wake you up using pleasant yet jarring fragrances. The alarm is a small hatch that spritzes scent spray until you shut it off. The makers of SensorWake say that 99% of users wake up to the smell in just 2 minutes. The scents include peppermint, chocolate, croissant, and coffee along with a couple others. There is a backup audible alarm that goes off after 3 minutes just in case you have not yet woken up to smell the roses. You can pre-order SensorWake for $89, and it is expected to ship in June of this year. A pack of two scents costs around $10 and are supposed to be good for 60 wake-ups.
Oculus Rift Virtual Reality

After so many years of previews, the virtual reality headset is finally available for consumers to buy. The Oculus Rift VR headset gives the sensation of being present in the game. For now, the headsets are used for total immersion into video games, but in the future the uses of virtual reality could range far and wide, from virtual doctors appointments, to the next generation of video chatting. Although the initial shipments sold out, you can hope to score an Oculus Rift headset for $599 (including two games) in June.
Segway Advanced Personal Robot

This combination of a segway and a robot butler is definitely a neat and cute gadget. The robot part will hide away while you go for a ride on the segway, but can pop out and help you carry your groceries inside or go and answer your doorbell. You can attach arms or other appendages and turn the robot into basically anything you want. The creators have allowed an open platform so that developers can make the robot respond to voice commands, see in the dark, and more. Unfortunately, there is no planned release date or pricing information at this time.

About The Author: Andrea Eldridge is CEO and co-founder of Nerds On Call, a computer repair company that specializes in on-site and online service for homes and businesses. Andrea is the writer of a weekly column, Nerd Chick Adventures in The Record Searchlight. She prepares TV segments for and appears regularly on CBS, CW and FOX on shows such as Good Day Sacramento, More Good Day Portland, and CBS 13 News, offering viewers technology and lifestyle tips. See Andrea in action at